Book Review - This is Natto by Daniel Erichsen
Insomnia is a circular problem, where you can’t sleep because you are trying to sleep. I wake up at 2:18 am because I’m afraid of waking up at 2:18 am and see if Daniel Erichnsens book will help my insomnia.

Set it and Forget it: Are you Ready to Transform your Sleep? by Daniel Erichsen
It’s 3:33 am and time for me to start another reading another book about insomnia. Will this be the one that breaks the cycle and gets me sleeping again?

Benchtalk - Wisdoms Inspired in Nature
Imagine you’re in a park, sitting on a bench and you find a notebook inviting you to share your thoughts. What would you write? This heartfelt and wise little book shows just that.

Book Review - Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art James Nestor
This is an informative and useful book that will make you think about something you do 25,000 times a day - breathing. By investigating ancient techniques and using breathing exercises, James Nestor will help you to improve your health.

Book Review - When Breath Becomes Air - Paul Kalanithi
Paul Kalanitihi’s book is the story of a neurosurgeon who faces a terminal cancer diagnosis at the age of 36, and who moves from being a doctor to a patient. A brave, illuminating and rewarding book.

Book Review- Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times - Katherine May
A thoughtful and wise book about drawing on the power of winter to rest and recuperate.

Book Review - The Art of Living - Thich Nhat Hanh
Practical and comforting book based on a series of talks by renowned Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, on how to bring mindfulness into our daily lives. Compassionate and wise, a self help book to return to.

Book Review - Listen- How to Find The Words for Tender Conversations - Kathryn Mannix
A wise and compassionate book on the act of listening from Kathryn Mannix, a medical practitioner and therapist with over 30 years experience in palliative care. A vital and moving read.