The Future of Geography by Tim Marshall
Tim Marshall turns his attention from geopolitics to astropolitics, in another accessible and engaging book that details how many of our earthly squabbles are being transferred to the starry firmament above.

Prisoners of Geography - The Quiz Book - Tim Marshall
Following the best selling Tim Marshall books on geopolitics, this quiz book featuring 300 questions, puzzles, anagrams and maps will both test and improve your geographical knowledge. Fun, engaging and informative.

Madhouse at the End of the Earth by Julian Sancton
In 1898 the Belgica set off on a three year polar expedition to the Antarctic. It became the first ship to winter in the region, in a survival story about illness, endurance and inventiveness. And Penguins.

The Power of Geography - Tim Marshall
The follow up to the bestselling ‘Prisoners of Geography’ see’s Tim Marshall examining ten more countries and looking at the role they will play in future geopolitics. Engaging and Accessible.

Book Review -Prisoners of Geography - Tim Marshall
Tim Marshall’s ‘Prisoners of Geography’ is an engaging introduction to the world of geopolitics and explains a lot of the ambitions of global powers and how they are curbed by natural barriers.