Book Review - The Brain that Changes itself - Norman Doidge
Fascinating work of non-fiction of Brain plasticity, using case studies to explain new scientific discoveries in the field. An accessible and engaging work, even for those without scientific minds.

Book Review - Underland: A deep time journey by Robert Macfarlane
Robert Macfarlanes documents his subterranean explorations to places such as the Parisian Catacombs, ice caps in Greenland and caves in Norway. Lyrical but overly long.

Book Review - Diary of a Young Naturalist - Dara McAnulty
Powerful and impassioned book about a year in the life of 14 year old Dara McAnulty, who has autism, and finds great comfort and solace in nature.

Book Review - Lost Connections - Johann Hari
Powerful book on what really causes depression, and what to do about it. Well researched, eloquent and persuasive..

Book Review- Ghosts of the Tsunami - Richard Lloyd Parry
Fascinating and moving work of non fiction on the 2011 Japanese tsunami, focusing on a small village school where 74 children died, where unfathomable grief turns to anger.

Audiobook Review - The Science of Storytelling - Will Storr
This is a fascinating and useful book looking at the neuroscience and cognitive psychology behind storytelling. Another excellent addition to books about writing.
Book review - The Lyrics: 1956 to the Present - Paul McCartney, edited by Paul Muldoon.
McCartney’s immersive memoir reads like he’s sitting down next to you, talking through his songs and showing you his handwritten lyrics and family photographs. Moving and thoughtful, an absolute delight.
Audiobook Review - The Lonely Century: How to Restore Human Connection in a World That's Pulling Apart - Noreena Hertz
Noreena Hertz’s book is well researched and incredibly readable about the growing threat of loneliness this century, full of fascinating statistics and anecdotes. But what can we do about it?