I Am That by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaja
‘I am that’ is considered to be a spiritual classic. But how relevant are the dialogues between Nisargadatta and his visitors for the modern day nonduality seeker?

Stillness Speaks by Eckhart Tolle
More condensed than ‘The Power of Now’ but Eckhart Tolle’s teachings are just as potent in this short follow up to the the best seller.

Perfect Brilliant Stillness -Beyond the Individual Self by David Carse
‘Perfect Brilliant Stillness’ by David Carse is a classic in the nonduality genre, beautiful, uncompromising and profound. Even if the writer recommends you don’t read it.

Who Am I?/Be As You Are by Ramana Maharshi and David Godman
Sri Ramana Maharshi is one of the most famous Indian gurus. I’ve read two books about him recently - how relevant is his message?

Pouring Concrete: A Zen Path to the Kingdom of God by Robert Harwood
This is a joyful and heartfelt book about one man’s fervent search for the answers to life’s existential questions.

Book Review - The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
It’s a number of years since I’ve first read ‘The Power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle and I thought it was time for a revisit. Is it as effective second time around?

Awake: It’s Your Turn by Angelo DiLullo
A clear, practical, accessible guide to non-duality, written in an an engaging and direct manner.

The Untethered Soul - Michael A. Singer
Michael A. Singer’s book is a timeless classic on awareness and inner freedom and is as fresh and essential as it ever was.

Book Review - Anam Cara - A Book of Celtic Wisdom by John O’Donohue
The bestselling book on Celtic mysticism by the poet philosopher and scholar, John O’Donohue.

Book Review - The Art of Living - Thich Nhat Hanh
Practical and comforting book based on a series of talks by renowned Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, on how to bring mindfulness into our daily lives. Compassionate and wise, a self help book to return to.