Crossing Continents Challenge 2025
Thanks to Shelley over at Bookd'out I’ve come across another challenge which ties in nicely with my own
‘Around the World’ Challenge. It’s run by Mark Joseph Joachim and even though I’ve missed out on January, I’m going to start from February and see how I go. Some of the themes are quite precise, so I’m going to be keeping an eye on what others are reading and doing a bit of my own research. Like I’ve said elsewhere, it fits in with my plans to read a bit more widely this year.
Here’s the prompts for the rest of the year:
February- set in Oceania:
March- set on the Arabian Peninsula:
April – Mesoamerica:
May – set in wartime Eastern Europe:
June – set within Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN):
July – set in the American Southwest or West:
August – set in Scandinavia:
September – set in South America:
October – set in a spooky mansion or castle:
November – set in Africa during colonial times:
December –set in either Arctic region: