Best Book Club Books 2024
Based on my reading this year, these are some books I think I would make great book club books for 2024.

Bookish Quotes
I do love a good bookish quote. In this section, I will gather some of my favourites, those that have resonated with me over the years, for your delectation

How to get out of a Reading Slump
There are times when you simply fall out of love with reading. Here are some of my tips on how to get out of a reading slump.

Books about Listening
Being an engaged listener is one of the most important skills we have in maintaining healthy relationships with our family, friends and colleagues. I have listed some books about listening that I have found beneficial.

Best Books on Meditation and Mindfulness
Meditation has been an important part of my life for thirty years and in this post I share some of the books that make up a whole shelf of my bookcase on the subject.