2024 Book Challenge.

Just a post to say that I've decided to start my own Challenge, and it can be found here. I always enjoy other reading challenges, as it encourages me to read books outside of my comfort zone, always a good thing.

As much as I enjoy blogging about my own reading journey, I get just as much enjoyment from reading other reviews and seeing what everyone else is reading. It informs my own book choices, and I've discovered so many new authors over the past couple of years.

But even more importantly has been the connection with other book lovers - blogging can be quite the lonely pastime, but it has been a blessing to meet so many other people that share my passion. This challenge is another way for me to connect with others in the same sphere.

If you have a challenge of your own, please let me know below. I’ve only joined one other so far but would be happy to link in with others.

The details are in the link above but the prompts are as follows.

1. Read a book with an animal in the title.

2. Read a poetry collection.

3. Read a book with a mans name in the title.

4. Read a book by with a connection to your home town.

5. Read a Short Story Collection.

6. Read a book with a building in the title.

7. Read a book that has been turned into a TV series or film.

8. Read a book that has won a Woman’s fiction prize.

9. Read a memoir.

10. Read a debut novel from 2024.


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